Thursday, February 13, 2020

And Now For Something Completely Different

Cathy and I have been watching a lot of The Office, lately. A LOT. As in, probably too much. This is by design, as we frequently don't have the emotional reserves to watch anything heavy. And we love the show, very much. But it got us thinking...

Could you make a drinking game out of it?

Yes, you can, and yes, we did.

It's great, too, not to put too fine a point on it. Here's the game, right here. Simply download the pdf and print it out on paper (double sided if you want) and fold it in half (on cardstock if you want) and then call up a few friends and you are good to go!

This game is fun because you get to use dice, and also, if you don't drink, you can still score each episode on what we feel is a really comprehensive and robust index of maximum Office-ness. Or you can get snockered and fall asleep on the couch like a lush. Your call.

But you better hurry: it leaves Netflix at the end of the year. Binge early, binge often. On the show, not the booze. Watch the show manically, but drink responsibly.

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