Friday, February 7, 2020

Running a Kickstarter is Hard Work

I now know what a helicopter parent feels like. I've been hovering over my computer, hitting the refresh wheel so much it's now just perpetually spinning like the top from Inception.

But there's a reason for the hovering: people expect updates, and things move pretty fast. It's not really scary, but it's certainly daunting. Oh, and there are questions to answer, as well. But it's all for a good cause, because...Monty Haul is a go!

Go check out the campaign now. The updates are public, so you can read them all if you like. I got nothing to hide. If you like what you see, please consider throwing some ducats my way. I think this is going to be a really cool project, something that fellow DMs and D&D players will really like and actually use.

I'm going to try and put some Kickstarter-related campaign essays on here to maybe drive a little traffic to and from both sites. If any of this is of interest to you, please share it. Some of you have already done so, and I really appreciate the support.

If this continues apace, there is a good chance that all four issues will fund. If that happens, I have some plans involving future issues, and also making the 'zine more of a shared community space. No sense in putting the cart before the horse. I really hope we get the horse, though.

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